
Well we went to a club in Blackpool,Kelly was a bit worried but after a few drinks in a pub we made are way over.It was new for Kelly but I had been a few before,we just sat and watched for a while,then we had a wander there was a few things going on one girl was been fucked and sucking another guy,he exploded on her face my wife loved it and said wow I need fucking. I said come on then I found a bed and lay her on it,kissing her I noticed a few people gathering around,I whispered to her but she said'' I dont care its turning me on'',I slowly undid her dress and eased it open she had no bra or… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 19


Blackpool is on it's way,Kelly says she will give it a go.Emma and Jon cannot make it but they have told us the best places to go,so we will try it out.… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 3

Carry on

So we got home and entered drinks were out and Emma and my wife were on the sofa and Jon(her bf) was on 1 chair and me on the other,Emma and my wife sat drinking and chatting about sex and what they are into,Emma got on about the size of cocks and said Jon was quite large,my wife said ''how big then'' so Emma said ''Jon show her'' he stood up and dropped his trousers,it was semi hard so Emma just grabbed it and started sucking and licking it until he was totally erect,it was massive,Emma then said go on Kelly have a taste,to my surprise she started sucking on it,he was loving it,Emma joined he… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 21

She did it

My wife agreed to meet Emma and her BF but in the pub,so Saturday night we met up,Kelly had a loverly dress on and stilletto heels,she was nervous but ok.Kelly appeared in a short skirt and low top,we sat in the corner of the pub just chatting and as the night went on the girls had drunk a bit of wine and were giggly,her BF was a nice enough guy,we talked and eventually they started telling us about the sex clubs they had been I saw Kelly was getting aroused and squiming about. Emma must have know because she slowly massaged her leg going up and up,Kelly loved it,as her BF was the other side o… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 8

Oh no

My wife (Kelly) is having 2nd thoughts about Emma and her BF coming around,she as not seen Emma since the last meeting and is getting worried.She will see her tomorrow at work so hopefully Emma will change her mind.… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 6


Now on flikr to post pics… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 7

I was right

I was right(see previous post),my wife went to the horse racing yesterday with her new friend from work,they were dressed realy sexy in fact my wife had no panties on,1st time I had known that.They left about 10am and out until 9pm when they both burst through the door after having to many drinks,giggling and laughing.The wine bottle was out again and they sat on the sofa,my wife said to her ''tell him what you have told me'' well she told me that her and her boyfriend go to sex clubs(which I have allready done with previous girls),I had allready discussed this with my wife but she would not g… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 12


I don't know what as got into her,she came down stairs last night with her coat on and said'' come on lets go out'',I never turn that down so coat on and off we go,I had noticed her stillettoes but that was the norm.We arrived at the same pubs as the last story and entered,it was full but mainly couples and the previous guy was not in there,she was acting strangely moving about on her chair and bit by bit her coat was rising up,her legs were on show but we noticed some of the women were giving her dirty looks.So we drank up and left,when we were getting into the car she opened her coat to show… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 15

At last

Finally after asking the wife to be more adventurous she as strated,we went for a drink last night and before we left the house she said she felt horny,anyway the pub was full and we managed to get a seat in the corner.After a few drinks a guy asked if he could sit next to us which was ok and he started talking away and I could tell my wife liked him,the talk got a bit heavy and sex was bought up and I explained about my wife trying other things,she seemed a bit shy.Then out of the blue he put his hand on her leg (which was bare)and to my surprise she never moved,we carried on talking and his… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik tomtit1 1 rok temu 14