Eating my first creampie

This story is about how I got hooked on eating my own cum from her creampie. As you can see from our photos, my wife is fat, some may call her a SSBBW. She is presently 68 years old and still horny as hell. I had taken a Viagra earlier in the day in anticipation of a hard night of serious fucking. She has always loved how I eat her fat pussy. She gets very orgasmic when I go down on her. So, there we were, we started out with the usual necking and kissing passionately. This progressed to me playing with her massive tits and sucking on her nipples. This always gets her real wet. I… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Thinbiguy4 6 lata/lat temu 51

Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man

Men can squirt like women! I discovered this a few years ago. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering how this is done. How it works: This is how it works. It’s kind of like masturbating, but a bit different. The goal is to squirt, not to ejaculate. So this is what you do: Step 1. Go in a private area. Step 2. If you are uncircumcised, pull the foreskin all the way down with your left hand, and hold it there. Step 3. Grab some hand lotion and apply it to your right hand and to the head of your penis. Step 4. Place your right palm on the head of your penis. Step 5. Masturbate l… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik squirtalott 11 lata/lat temu 250