Young teen

when I was twelve, I had to attend catechism classes at my church. A classmate from school also attended so we would travel together. Sometimes by bike or walking. One day on the way home we stopped at a small pond that was located down an embankment. We were just fooling around, throwing stuff in the water. My friend who was quite a ways away from me when I noticed he had taken out his cock and started yanking it. I was horrified and mesmerized at the site of his big dick. Much larger than mine. Never saw one so big. As I stared at him, he told me to come over to him. Stay away I told him! There was a corner of the pond kinda seperating us. Come over and feel this, it sooo goood! He said. I stood my ground as he took a few steps toward me. I stared at that big cockhead pointing at me. Just touch it he said. It feels good. I froze as he approached, took my trembling hand and had me touch him. OMG! electric sparks in my hand as I touched someone else's cock for the first time. Slowly my hand began to encircle that big unit. I could not believe it! He took my hand and began rubbing it up and down his cock as he began to moan. I did not know what to do. As I looked at him, he began to push me down to my knees. As I looked at the head of his cock A saw a glistening drop of precum hanging on the tip. Something came over me as he came closer. He was so big! He placed his hands on the back of my head and drew me to him. Suddenly he was smearing that precum all over me lips, like lipstick. I began to lick my lips and he was able to push that mushroom head into my mouth. Nooo! I screamed in my head but found myself the sensation. I slowly began to suck the head as he moaned. I began to worship that dick, licking all around the shaft, down to his nuts. I turned into a slut. Then he stepped back and shot a big load all over my face. Can't wait till next week he said as I wiped off my face.
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