An advice seeking talk with a college girl

Victoria is white girl in her last year of undergrad to earn an actuarial degree at a fine US university. A classmate, Chet, a black male she has known for 4 years and they have finally hooked up. My advice to her was (a) it's not your cousins fault and (b) bring him home to your family this Easter. Victoria says......

My older cousin told me a lot, maybe too much before I went off to college. She told me you can sleep with them but never bring a black guy home. Her time at Miami was a series of fucking the biggest studs and there were plenty to choose from. She told me about one in particular, a black guy from Trinidad. She described him as a pure black stud with no common culture with the American black man. I met him while visiting her. She was spot on, smart, studious, polite, spoke the kings English with an island accent, an athletic body, tall and muscled. His musical taste is Sinatra with the Basie band. I asked "That's the guy?" She said yeah. Great guy all around, huge cock, can fuck forever and shoots cum like a fountain. I love making him cum deep inside me. We sleep so well afterwards. "and he really likes you?" She says he loves me, thinks we should keep going after graduation. I say "Maria, he seems like the total package" She says yeah, I think I kind of love him too but he's black and nobody would understand.

Here I am, 4 years later and I have the same problem. My guy Chet, not as black as Maria's guy but raised by a white couple in Tennessee. He has all the same human qualities as Maria's guy. Being classmates in the same degree program we all socialized together, for years. We even spent summers working together and living under the same roof. One year my Pops hired 4 of us k**s for his firm during the summer. It was a party every night at my house. The following year there were 3 of us together in Tennessee at his parents home. Again, a party every night. It was the end of that 3rd summer when we had our first real meaningful kiss.

Being young and living in close quarters we kind of know a lot about each other. I'm no prize, I have an average plain Jane face. I do have an awesome body. Momma gave me firm perky puffy pink nip's on 36DD's. Chet has the pretty boy face to go with the great body. I went into this well aware Chet's cock is absolutely enormous. Lets just say I had seen a soft cock head and a length equal to the head hanging out the leg of boxer shorts. So I knew what I had in store. I'm also a virgin who has only gone as far as oral sex. And not too often. Two guys in total have sprayed my throat/face/hair and eaten my pussy. I do enjoy making a guy cum and the taste does not offend me at all. I kind of like it and enjoy giving head.

I remember that first kiss well. I felt some kind of blood rush through the core of my body. It would have been wonderful had he taken me with passion right there. We ended up making out for the first time and a very long time, I climaxed multiple times while grinding his crotch with clothes still on. In turn, I made him to cum in his pants. We both laughed a lot over that. Being a good houseguest I even cleaned him up with bathroom towels. Getting to cradle his spent cock had me spellbound. I looked up into his eyes and just said "I want you in me so bad". Would have happened then but people came home. Two days later I was gone. Two weeks later and we are back at school.

On campus we get together for what we both agreed was unfinished business. In his apartment we resumed 'the kiss'. Again, so hot. And the foreplay was fabulous. We lost our clothes quickly and now my grinding was skin on skin. I was a wet warm wanton mess. If he was regular sized maybe he would have slipped in. I was standing, looking up into his eyes as both my hands stroked his shaft with the tip pushing up under my tits. "Sit back" I said and for the first time a black cock touched my tongue. Can a girl come to climax while sucking an stroking a cock. This girl can, just touch my clit while I suck him and I climax. Little ones but often.

I got to thinking what happens next and how in heck will I take him. Will I be able to? I had no experience. Before he had a chance to splatter me with a hot load, I jumped on his bed, dove under the covers and said the magic words. "Chet, please take me and be gentle, I'm a virgin". Wow did that get his attention !! My wrestling mate got of so tender, soft and deliberate. I was kissed deeply, fondled, sucked on and splayed wide open ready for the reason god put me on the planet. I was so wet, puffy and ready. With my knees over his shoulders we both watched in amazement as his jet black cockhead begin to disappeared into my pure white puff. I felt my first climax rush. Chet moved his hips softly, gently, pushing for a small fraction of an inch on each stroke. Then I felt 'the paper cut' Actual, it was like a couple repeating paper cuts. As Chet continues stroking we both see my blood on his shaft. Chet's first words to the ex-virgin were "Need a Condom" I grab him as he leans back to go on the rubber hunt. I say "No, our first time must be all natural. I went on the pill right after Tennessee. I've dreamed about you taking me" And I get kissed so deeply while Chet moves past my maidenhead with force that I both climax and cry while he takes my breath away with each push. I tell him how beautiful this moment is and that I want all of him in me. Whatever it takes.

My first fucking lasted a very long time. Eventually Chet was knocking on a closed door and I do not understand how I opened up but like magic the last bunch of inches slid easily up into me. I was having a continuous orgasm while he was sliding in. He says it took a lot of time and effort. All I know is his pubic bone was punching my clit hard and it felt like he was up in my tummy. I drank up every second. Chet started to half stroke me and not too many strokes later with deep romantically kissing Chet pressed deep, stayed deep, pressed with great force and whispered "I'm, I'm, I can't help" I just hollered "YES YES YES" and wrapped my arms and legs around him and he roared like a lion I let out some banshee sound as he emptied his balls and filled my with his seed till overflowing, heck, now it's my seed !! At that moment I was hopelessly and forever in love and in lust with this guy.

It did not end there. We stayed together tight, kissing and caressing and loving each other with his cock still way up inside me. All that beautiful semen running through my body. I moved my hand down to where we were joined. I thought about how enormous and thick the base of his cock was, I was trying to wrap my hands around it. It was now my cock. I came up with hands covered in blood and cum. I said out loud, "this is us" and Chet took his finger and painted a cross on my forehead. I did the same to him. With that I felt Chet, still deep in me, regaining his hardness.

We rolled over, never breaking the seal with me taking the top, I rocked, I wiggled, I pumped, it was uncomfortable to full stroke on him but I enjoyed doing that part immensely, climaxing over and over. All Chet had to do was bury himself into my chest until he spun me, we went to out side, he got on top, never pulling out, pulled me back with him and got his feet on the floor and pounded me like a wild a****l from behind till he roared again giving me a second filling. While laying on top of me, covering up his bitch, still in her, nibbling my ears I said to him "you know, I'll be your whore forever." He thought it a great idea. Then with all romantic implications I could I told him "My pussy hurts, hurts so good. You have to pull out of me." And he did and we slept soundly. All measured, losing my virginity and wild a****l fucking took almost 2 hours. Wow. Normal is about an hour.

We did not fuck for almost 2 days after that initial get together. My parts were very tender, raw. I am now to a point where I can easily take him balls deep in maybe 3 strokes and we fuck at least twice a day. Evening is a good hard fuck with me doing most of the work. I'm a bigger fan of the romantic morning slow and lazy 'I love you and love being with you intercourse'. Mornings are all missionary so I get serviced. Never a condom, always heavily inseminated. Heck, some days I go to the bathroom just to use a finger so I can smell and taste him. Maybe an hour before we get home I sniff and it gets me all worked up ready to ride till he roars. Thank heavens for BC pills else I'm be long on my way to motherhood.

I dream about that. I dream about being his wife. I fool myself every morning to thinking I am fertile and we are fucking to make our c***d. In that mindset his ejaculation sends me into a level of orgasm that only happens in the mornings. It's so good I'll likely keep doing this for the rest of my life.

Victoria's real question was about bring Chet home to northern NJ for Easter. On Tuesday before heading back to University Chet intends to ask her parents for their permission to marry her. My advice was simple, get your brothers and cousins on your side. I Expect your parents to pick up on your interaction that you are already a couple. Accept separate rooms at the parents house. Do not let on that you are a regularly fucking couple. Clean yourself up the day before traveling there. Trust that your mother will recognize the scent of a semen drenched pussy. If not your Mom, some other female(s) at the house will.

Victoria, you have fallen in love with a black man. It will prove a bit tough in the States. It's not a problem. If you had looked back at my history, you'll know I too fell in love with a black man. It can work wonderfully. It's a partnership. Enjoy your life and do let me know how all your family accepted your guy.
Opublikowano przez andrea0817
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LOL.  "Ghetto blacks" 
do yariman : I think it depends.  My parents refused to come to my wedding.  Ghana, African small town ceremony.  Over the years they came around.  I had my brother and close friends there.  Here is my take, African and Western European blacks have very little in common with the USA ghetto black.  In England and Ghana you will find them well educated, professional and with the English accent.     
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Great story.  I still don't know if I could ever take any of my black friends home and say to my parents..."here's your future son-in-law."